This course is designed for adults who either work in an industry where encounters with these animals are possible, law enforcement officials, or a group that wants to gain knowledge and experience with handling common pet trade and/or native animals. This training also includes instruction by experienced herpetologists, hands on experiences with many animals, and helpful feedback on techniques from trained professionals.
Topics include:
- What makes a reptile a reptile and how to identify common species
- Tools of the trade
- Differences between turtles & tortoises
- How to pick up, relocate, or transport multiple types of reptiles
- Native protected animals and the regulations that affect them
- Common pet trade snakes
- Identifying and handling non-venomous snakes
- How to identify a Gila monster and what to do if one is encountered
- Basic care needs of pet reptiles
- What to do and who to call if illegal animals are encountered or suspected
Participants: Minimum of 5 participants (18+ only)
Time: 1 hour
Cost: $100 per person
Please send any inquiries to Programs@Phoenixherp.com

Fire officials learn how to properly use tongs to move a (non-venomous) gopher snake!